Road Trip!

Adding onto the seemingly full plate of things to do, I’m heading out to my first blogging conference. That’s right, I’m leaving the kids alone with Husband for two days (give or take an hour) to go learn some stuff and mingle with people.

Sadly, it’s not Vegas  (as I originally hoped) but Philly will have to do.

I’m heading up with my sister-in-law According to Denise.  Here’s her most recent vlog: Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Truth be told, I’m very excited. I’m looking forward to taking the next step on this blogging journey. When I started, I didn’t think it would get too far. I didn’t think a conference would help much. Now I’m going to one.

I’m not too concerned about meeting new people. Unlike my SIL, who is making organized lists on who to meet and what to do – I’m gonna just “let go”. I’m just going to let it happen. If I talk, I’ll talk. If I’m going to observe, I’m just gonna keep my big mouth shut.

For some who know me and read this blog, the previous paragraph sounds extremely strange coming from my typing hands. I’m extremely Type A and organized. I twitch when I cannot be in control. But, sometime, in order to move forward sometimes you have to just drop any preconceived notions and just go with the flow.

I just hope I’m able to handle it. And take whatever I learn and apply to this blog.

I’m also looking forward to sleeping “in” on Saturday and Sunday. Granted that might only be 7:00 AM, but you get the drift.

 A big “Thank You” to Husband for allowing me the chance to go do something new. You are THE MAN for agreeing to hang with both kids while I’m off gallivanting and networking. But, no, I’m NOT buying any Phillies gear while I’m up there. 


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About OneLoCoMommy

I live in Northern Virginia and and I look like the stereotypical suburban mom, for better or for worse. My son plays baseball and takes karate (albeit adaptive). My daughter is a gymnastics diva but rolls with the boys in T-ball. I've been a Room Mom and Playdate Coordinator. I work full-time, try to work out, and love my Book Club. However, I also blog on my experiences on our ASD, SPD and ADHD journey while trying to be a better parent advocate. All in a life's work.
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5 Responses to Road Trip!

  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! It was GREAT to meet you, and so glad I stopped by! I was at #BBCPhilly and definitly took of a more back seat approach myself, it was a lot of fun and a terrific learning experience! I look forward to reading your blog regularly!


  2. Pingback: Wrap it Up: Bloggy Boot Camp Philly « The Invisible Disability

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