My Kids Are A Pain In My Butt. Literally.

Author’s Note: I am linking up with themommymess to “recycle” one of my “old” posts for you to read. The post below follows my encounters at a physical therapist last summer. Though I haven’t been back in months, I now know what Piriformis Syndrome is. 


Recently, I went to the doctor complaining of back pain. I had been having severe pain for the past few weeks – which really had started to impact daily activities. Since I also was recently diagnosed with gallstones – I was concerned that I would have to get surgery. And, quite frankly, who has time for surgery? 😉

So I was relieved to find out that it was merely back pain. But I was surprised when the next step was being given an order for physical therapy. I thought I was just going to get some medication and be on my merry way.

Wrong. Or as John McLaughlin would say, WRONG!

To be honest, I have a narrow view of physical therapy. PT is for athletes recovering from ACL surgery, people recovering from car accidents, strokes, or other medical conditions. You know, BIG life events. I have no idea how I injured my back – just the normal day wear and tear of just…being me. I wasn’t sure how physical therapy would help, because I already know how to stretch. Once in a while.

But, I decided that the pain was bad enough to try something new, so off I went to PT. And I definitely learned some things, like:

1. Yes, there are stretches involved. And some I already know. And you still have to do them.

2. They will give you a massage. Granted it’s centralized in the place that you are experiencing pain, and it may hurt…but massages are still awesome.

3. In some cases, they will hook you up with a machine that sends electric pulses to parts of your body. It’s called electrical muscle stimulation. And it feels bizarre, and yet slightly tingly. It helps relax those pesky muscle spasms.

4. Heat compresses feel good after they work on you. Plus, if it’s quiet, you can try and meditate.

5. Even though you come in with one issue, new issues somehow pop up. Like my second visit, when a therapist started working my hip and I yelped in pain. Turns out it is Piriformis Syndrome. Otherwise known as pain in the buttocks. Most likely given to me by my children.

So, I’m in Week 2 of PT…and it’s not bad. I’m feeling better, and I’m definitely sleeping a little more (with some pillows to elevate my knees). I still feel a little silly at times. But I’m trying to make time to help myself feel better, and a bit calmer.


About OneLoCoMommy

I live in Northern Virginia and and I look like the stereotypical suburban mom, for better or for worse. My son plays baseball and takes karate (albeit adaptive). My daughter is a gymnastics diva but rolls with the boys in T-ball. I've been a Room Mom and Playdate Coordinator. I work full-time, try to work out, and love my Book Club. However, I also blog on my experiences on our ASD, SPD and ADHD journey while trying to be a better parent advocate. All in a life's work.
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10 Responses to My Kids Are A Pain In My Butt. Literally.

  1. Denise says:

    You sound just like me. I’ve done PT and had the electrical stimulation. And they are right you have to do the stretches. I can tell when I’ve gone too long without them. Feel better.


  2. OneLoCoMommy says:

    The electrical stimulation is odd. The first time I had it done I had a bad headache.but it could have been because I don’t think I drank enough water that day.


  3. Hope your pains are better by now… At least now you have a good excuse for not doing things like bending and lifting…


    • OneLoCoMommy says:

      They are better, yes, but still annoying. I did it for a couple of months and paying the co-pays got pricey. I definitely know most of the exercises and try to do them as much as possible!


  4. Chris Carter says:

    Ha!! That’s funny… Hoping the PT helps with that pain! Kids are also a pain in the neck- THAT’S MY STORY. 🙂


  5. Hooray that your back has gotten better! I feel badly for physical therapists, as I shared your view after breaking all the bones in my foot in a car accident. PT? What for? Over 100 visits later, I was walking again without pain, and had been converted into a raving fan.

    I laughed out loud at your description of her working on your hip. My PT said that we often compensate for pain in one area by favoring another area, causing more issues. . . Oh, yes. Hips got worked on lots. But it was all wonderfully helpful!


    • OneLoCoMommy says:

      That’s awesome that you got back and walking with PT help. I felt a little bad when I would see other patients with more severe needs. Like the kid who is recovering from a high school injury. Or the man recovering from an onsite accident.

      Then there’s me…I did this by being a mom. 🙂


  6. Haha! This gives new meaning to “pain in the butt”! Idk, I’ve never been to PT, but a quiet room with massages and no kids? Yes, please.


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