Wordless Wednesday: Reading Is FUNdamental!


About OneLoCoMommy

I live in Northern Virginia and and I look like the stereotypical suburban mom, for better or for worse. My son plays baseball and takes karate (albeit adaptive). My daughter is a gymnastics diva but rolls with the boys in T-ball. I've been a Room Mom and Playdate Coordinator. I work full-time, try to work out, and love my Book Club. However, I also blog on my experiences on our ASD, SPD and ADHD journey while trying to be a better parent advocate. All in a life's work.
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5 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Reading Is FUNdamental!

  1. YOU are a busy Mama!! We lived outside D.C. years ago when our kids were little! Soccer and all that! All these years later, my brain still operates better when it seems to be overloads?? Does that make any sense?? 🙂 Happy WW.


  2. Thanks for linking up to Wordless Wednesday Bloggers. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for a weekly reminder 🙂

    Jennifer, http://www.thejennyevolution.com


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