Summer School!

While many look fondly on summer as the chance to just laze around and soak up the sun, that’s not quite the case for us. B started back at his inclusive preschool for the summer.  I think you all share in the sentiment that routine and schedules are bibles to live by. 🙂

It’s nice knowing that B will be at one place, all day. True – logistical issues makes Husband to adjust his work schedule to make sure B gets picked up by 3:30 PM – but we are lucky that we have the flexibility to do this. At least for the summer B won’t miss out on field trips and whatnot, like he did during the school year.

The very first day was “Water Play” – a favorite of B’s. They even had a Slip N Slide which B loved. I forgot about Slip N Slides and good ole childhood memories!

First day of summer school

First day of summer school

So far, feedback from his teacher has been positive. B has been great. I think it’s because B knows his routine there and is comfortable in his surroundings.

Chalk one up for B!

About OneLoCoMommy

I live in Northern Virginia and and I look like the stereotypical suburban mom, for better or for worse. My son plays baseball and takes karate (albeit adaptive). My daughter is a gymnastics diva but rolls with the boys in T-ball. I've been a Room Mom and Playdate Coordinator. I work full-time, try to work out, and love my Book Club. However, I also blog on my experiences on our ASD, SPD and ADHD journey while trying to be a better parent advocate. All in a life's work.
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6 Responses to Summer School!

  1. Krystal says:

    That is awesome. Structure is so important for our littles – so glad he is doing well 🙂


  2. Wow. That’s one great summer school. Hope B has a great summer there.


  3. Mindi says:

    Since I’m on maternity leave with all three boys home this summer I need to get in a good schedule with them. They thrive on it at daycare and I have a feeling things will run more smoother if we have some plan. Glad to hear the preschool for the summer is going to work out!


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